
Links to add are welcome.

There's more Art out there...

There are a lot Web-Servers who dedicated their contents primarily or partial to the arts.
Here are a couple of links to a collection of some of them. The emphasise lies on collaborative art projects in the net. There are already a lot of good compilations of links to art-related documents in the net. So I will not try to invent the wheel for a second time. Instead I just included links to other extensive lists of art-servers and a small list of really 'big' art-servers (or servers I particularily like by myself).

Other collaboration art-projects in the net:

Like 'HypArt' it allows several people create a single picture by dividing an image into a grid of squares. The communiction is maintained via IRC and FTP. Apart from the 'normal' grid there are variations like "Four-Corners", "Add-On" or "Linear-Grid". Their newest grid-project deals with an 'infinite' grid that can permute from one form to another.
(realized by OTIS SYNERGY)
"CORPSE is a revamp of the classic 'exquisite corpse' drawing exercise in which participants all draw parts of a body which is, in the end, put together (or unfolded if drawn on one sheet) into a vision of often bizarre disjunction." (Ed Stastny )
(realized by OTIS SYNERGY)
Chain Art Project
"...a collaborative computer art project conducted using the Internet as a vehicle to obtain and deposit the images and communicate with members."(-blm)
(realized by SU CGR)
Interactive Design of a Logo for the EXPO 2000
This is an attempt to let users interactively design a logo for the EXPO 2000 in Hannover/Germany.
Digital Journeys
"The Digital Journeys Collaborative Internet Project will allow individuals from around the world the ability to collaborate on a series of multimedia expressive pieces. As you explore the different themes, feel free to respond to anything on the page by submitting a .jpg or .gif image, some text, poetry, short story, a quicktime or mpeg movie, or .au audio file."(-blm)
(realized by SU CGR)

Art-related Servers in the WWW:

Art on the Net
"This virtual space will offer artists a place where they can find information on how to get their art on the Internet. It will also be a meeting place where people can come to find out about art happenings on the net." (Lile Elam)
Syracuse University Computer Graphics for the Arts
Part of the Art Media Studies program in the School of Art and Design in the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University.
"OTIS (Operative Term Is Stimulate), at it's most basic interpretation and intention, is a place for image-makers and image-lovers to exchange ideas, collaborate and, in a loose sense of the word, meet." (Ed Stastny)
'ANIMA' stands for 'Arts Network for Integrated Media Applications'.
"The focus is on the possibilites of networking as an information resource and tool for research in art and technology, the development of virtual communities for creative collaboration, and the network as a medium for artistic exploration and expression."(Derek Dowden)

Links to Lists of art-related information :

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(Last changed 21.05.96)
Klaus Rosenfeld